Friday, November 4, 2011

The Wonderful World of Couponing

Who doesn’t like to get things for free? Or discounts? Or buy one get one half off? Exactly! There is no one out there who does not want to save some money, especially in this strapped economy.
The trend today leans toward using coupons for just about anything you can think of. We used to consider coupons for grocery shopping, but it has become so much more than that. Coupons are offered to save on:
  • Tires and automotive products.
  • Restaurants and recreational destinations.
  • Personal services such as manicures, massages and facials.
Realty Television Versus Real Couponing
The Learning Channel (TLC) has produced a reality television show called “Extreme Couponing” that is getting a lot of heat from the real couponing community. The coupon community feels that the reality TV show is not accurately presenting the world of couponing, and this might make it tough for those who rely on buying their groceries for the week with limited budgets.
If you intend on saving a chunk of change on your grocery bill, it is a good idea to research the practices of using coupons.

How to Get Started in Couponing
While some consider this a hobby, others consider it survival. With many mouths to feed (most families have four) saving 10 or 20 percent on your grocery bill can add up to big savings. If your family of four spends $120 per week for groceries and you save 20 percent each week, that comes to a whopping $1,248 at the end of the year!
Just like with any hobby, there are a couple of supplies you might like to have on hand to get started. It’s not expensive and can help you when you go shopping.
A good pair of scissors for cutting out coupons and a place to store the coupons: that’s it! Some like to use an envelope or special coupon holder, however, those who are hardcore coupon users find that a binder with acetate sheets that are sectioned for baseball card collectors works extremely well. The visibility aspect and separation of categories of items is beneficial when grocery shopping.

Are you a coupon clipper? We would be delighted to hear your tricks of the trade on our Facebook page! MBM Moving reviews are filled out to increase customer service when moving, and to benefit many on the current topics of the day such as this on couponing!
This informative blog continues in Part Two of The Wonderful World of Couponing.

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