Monday, August 15, 2011

Help Your Kids Cope with the Moving Day Blues: A Guide

Moving can be hard on anyone, especially if you're a kid and you don't have a choice in the matter. Your kids may feel helpless and completely out of control in the situation. They're leaving their friends, their school and maybe even some family. It can be especially difficult if your children are young or if this is their first move. We have some tips for you and your kids that can soften the moving day blow.

Involve Your Children
Your child’s feelings are valid. Most likely, they really don't have any control over where they're going. Getting them involved in the moving process and making them feel like they're contributing something to the move will help them to feel important. Depending on the ages of your kids, they may be able to actually assist you! Are they teenagers? They can definitely help you pack! Give them a job you know they'll be able to complete, like packing up the linens in a box or making sure your pets don't get out throughout the day. If your children are younger, you may want to limit their jobs to their bedroom. Take some time and show them how to pack their toys into a box or how to fold their clothes properly and put them into a suitcase. Just make sure they're not cutting any tape and sealing and boxes themselves.

There's a Silver Lining
Your kids should know that moving isn't all bad! There are some great things to look forward to. You can start by talking about the new school your children will be attending. Take a look online and find the school's website to show them. Schedule a visit to the school and meet with the guidance counselor. Walk around with your child and the counselor to get an idea of where your son or daughter will be attending class. Is your child into sports? Try to find out a little about the teams at the school and suggest getting involved. Play up whatever your child is interested in within the context of this new school.

Leaving their friends is no doubt going to be tough for your children. Make or purchase them an address book for their last day of school. Write their new address and phone number (if you know it) on the inside of the book so that they have it readily available for their friends, and make sure they get all the phone numbers they'll want for the move. Having the contact information of their friends on hand for them in the new home will no doubt help with the initial loneliness of not knowing many people.

Ready to move with your children? Have you had a look at our MBM Moving reviews yet? Check them out before you hire your movers and you'll be able to see our record of excellent service to our customers. Have some questions for us? You can tweet us @MBMmoves anytime!

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